| 1. | Quantum gravity is a dream for many people 我长久以来的梦想是量子引力。 |
| 2. | Volume operator action on vertex in loop quantum gravity 圈量子引力中体积算符对顶角的作用 |
| 3. | Loop quantum gravity is , in the jargon , background independent 环圈量子重力学用行话来说,是“背景独立”的。 |
| 4. | Correct quantum gravity , cqg 正确量子引力理论 |
| 5. | Loop quantum gravity 循环量子引力理论 |
| 6. | Loop quantum gravity 圈量子引力理论 |
| 7. | On such bases , quantum gravity changes the epistemological basis of physics 在此基础上的量子引力改变了物理学的认识论基础。 |
| 8. | Loop quantum gravity can be visualised , as its name suggests , as a mesh of loops 顾名思义,环圈量子重力可以想象成一个由环组成的网。 |
| 9. | Various problems brought by quantum gravity present more unsolvable ontological and epistemological problems 量子引力中的各种问题带来了一系列意义深远的本体论与认识论的问题。 |
| 10. | From the boundary particle theory , quantum gravity and an extra dimension emerge when the equations are analyzed the right way 同样的,如果循正确的途径分析方程式,就能从边界粒子理论中,解读出量子重力论与额外维度。 |